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Context Menu

The Context Menu shows all actions you can perform with the currently selected document.

Not all of the actions listed below will always show in the menu, as some of them may not be available for your particular document - some actions are only available when the document is not in a signing process, and some are only available when you are the creator of the document, such as Edit details or Move to folder.

The contextual menu will only be visible if there is more than one action available for you. If there is only one action possible, the system will display the action button directly instead of a dropdown.

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Context menu

Usually one option of the actions is visible as a big button and the rest are in the dropdown menu. For documents that have the Created status and those waiting for your signature, the button is usually Sign. For completed documents it is Download.


Sign the document.


Forward the document to someone else to sign instead of you.


Reject to process the document.


Availability: Business and Enterprise

Add an invisible electronic certificate without any visual indicator. This secures the document and makes it verifiable even with no visible signatures present.

Sealed documents can still be signed later, but signed documents (or any documents already containing a certificate) cannot be sealed. It is also not possible to seal documents that are currently being processed.


You will see the Remind button next to documents that are currently being processed.

Use it to send a reminder to all remaining recipients or the person whose action is required next, depending on the signing order.

New request

Completed and Failed documents can be easily reused in a single step with the New Request button.

This enables you to send the same document with the same configuration of eSigning fields to the same or a different recipient quickly without having to upload the document again or create a template first.

2 New request.png

New request

Audit Trail

Opens the Audit trail or Certificate of Fulfillment of the document, which can then be printed and/or downloaded. The audit trail contains the Document name, Document ID, Status, QR Code, and a full history of edits and actions.

3 Audit trail.png

Audit trail


Share a document internally or with external recipients. There are multiple different options for sharing.

4 Share.png


Send by mail

Send the document to registered users or external recipients via email.

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Send by mail

Send to Cloud

Send document directly to a cloud service of your choice.

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Send to Cloud

Before you use this feature, make sure that you have connected Circularo to the application you are trying to send your document to.

3rd party application connections can be managed in Integrations in your Preferences, where you can also choose which cloud services should be visible and which should be hidden in the list of options.

Attach file

Availability: Business and Enterprise

Attach a file (image, another document, anything you want) to the document you’re sharing.

7 Attach file.png

Attach a new file

Currently, only internal Circularo Business / Enterprise users can see attached files. When sending a document to an external recipient or a Circularo Pro user, they will receive it without the attachments.
In the near future, we are planning to extend the ability to view attachments to all users based on individual settings - stay tuned!

Email attachment

Circularo also offers the option to add and view your email conversation as an attachment to a document (.eml and .msg formats). After attaching an email message, you will see it in preview next to the document under Attachments.

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Email attachment

After clicking on the email attachment, a new window will open with the email preview.

Attachment - preview

Availability: Business and Enterprise

In Circularo, you have the option to link related documents to each other. Linked documents will show up in the document preview in the Detail tab.

  • Navigate to the Context menu

  • Select the Link action

  • Select files that should be linked to the document - you can use the search bar or navigate through folders

  • Finish by clicking the Link button

  • Navigate to the Context menu

  • Select the Link action

  • Go to Show selected to view all documents you are linking

  • Untick the checkboxes next to the documents you no longer want to be linking

Add to Starred

Same as adding a Star to the document. You will be able to find all the documents with a star in the Starred section.


Print the document directly from the app.


Unsigned documents

There are two different options for downloading documents which have not had any action taken on them (Created status).

Download downloads the document in its original format (image format, MS Office format etc.)

This option is only available for documents which weren’t in a PDF format originally.

Download as PDF downloads the document in a PDF format regardless of its original format. For this type of download, you can also set up PDF protection.

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Download a document

PDF Protection.png

Set PDF protection

Other documents

Documents that have been used in any way and have any status other than Created (regardless of whether they’re completed or in progress) can be downloaded in a .pdf format together with their audit trails.

You will be asked whether you want to download the document, its audit trail, or both, and whether you would like to combine them into one file.

10 Download.png

Download a PDF document

Merged document download

Availability: Business and Enterprise

In more advanced Circularo versions, it is possible to merge documents and then download them together or separately.

11 Download merged documents.png

Download merged documents

There are a couple of different options for downloading merged documents:

  • All - You can download all files within the merged document and the audit trail together in a .zip file

  • Choosing which partial documents you want to download separately

  • Combine all PDFs into one file - download the merged document as one PDF file

Create copy

Create a copy of the document which will be then stored in your Folders.

Edit details

Change Document validity, its Destination folder, or add Labels.

12 Edit details.png

Edit document details

Move to folder…

Move the document to a different folder.


Give your document a new name. The previous name of a renamed document will show in the document’s history.


Deleted documents and folders are moved to Trash, from where you can Restore them or Delete them forever.

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