Can I sign documents with attachments in Circularo?
There are two different use cases when it comes to documents with attachments.
You have a document with attachments and need both the document and its attachments signed.
In this case, you will need to upload both the document and any attachments it has together and merge them into a single file during upload - we have a detailed description of the process in our End user guide. Once the signing process is started, the documents cannot be altered without voiding the signatures already added. After the signing process is finished, you can download the document as one file, or you can download the original documents separately, each one signed.
You have a document that needs to be signed, with attachments that do not need to be signed.
In this case you simply upload your document and add attachments during upload or at any other point after that. The attachments will not be signed and can be edited during the signing process.
Attachments are available for Business and Enterprise clients and are only visible to other Business or Enterprise users of Circularo. Unfortunately at this moment external recipients cannot view attached documents.