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How to mass-download multiple documents

How do I download multiple documents at once? Can I mass download documents and their Audit trails or Certificates of Fulfilment? To answer these questions, here are some options for downloading several documents in one step from Circularo.

Select and download

The easiest way to download multiple documents is to simply select and download them. To do so,

1. Navigate to the Documents section of the menu

2. Select the documents you want to download by ticking the checkboxes on the left side.

3. Right-click any of the selected documents and select the Download option

4. Documents will be downloaded compressed in a zip file

Select and download

Audit trails / Certificates of Fulfilment for individual documents won't be included in the downloaded zip file.

Folder download

Similarly to downloading a document, you can also download entire folders.

To download a folder

1. Navigate to the Folders section of the menu

2. Right-click the folder you want to download

3. Select the Download folder option

4. Folder, including all the documents and subfolders it contains, will be downloaded compressed in a zip file

Download folder

Audit trails / Certificates of Fulfilment for individual documents won't be included in the downloaded zip file.

Although it is only possible to download one folder at a time, you can bypass this by creating a folder structure and grouping multiple folders into one.

Data backup

If you want to download documents with Audit trails, the best way to do it is backing up your data and downloading it. This option will download all documents you own and their respective Audit trails / Certificates of Fulfilment.

  1. Navigate to your Preferences

  2. Go to the Security section and find Data backup

  3. Click on the Download backup button

  4. Depending on how many documents you have uploaded to Circularo, downloading the data might take a while. You don't have to stay on the Security page while waiting.

  5. Your data will be downloaded compressed in a zip file


Data backup

Every document will be downloaded in a folder including the document itself and its Audit trail or Certificate of Fulfilment

Data backup only downloads documents you own (= ones you have uploaded yourself).

Documents sent to you as requests or shared with you won't be included in the download.

Merge and download

Availability: Business and Enterprise

The last option to download multiple documents in one go is merging them into a single PDF file. Then you can download them as individual PDFs along with the Audit trail for the original file.

To upload or upload and sign multiple documents,

  1. Go to New Document

  2. In the Upload tab add all the documents you want to merge

  3. Set the “Merge files to single document” toggle to Yes and continue by clicking Next. Then continue your desired workflow.

Merge into one file

To download the documents,

  1. Go to the Documents section of the menu

  2. Find the merged file and select Download from the dropdown menu

  3. You will be able to select which files you want to download and whether you want to include the Audit trail

Separate and download merged file

There will only be one Audit trail available, as it belongs to the merged file.

For a detailed merge tutorial, see the video below.

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