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Transaction Mode

This mode focuses on executing signing and approval workflows. Once a document enters Transaction Mode, content editing is locked to preserve its integrity, ensuring a secure and structured process. However, users can still interact with specific fields, such as filling in required details during signing, as defined by the sender. This mode ensures flexibility in approvals while maintaining document security and compliance.

Circularo offers a flexible eSigning workflow system that allows users to define the number, order, roles, and responsibilities of signatories. Users can create custom signing workflows, save them, and reuse them as templates. The platform supports both sequential and parallel signing steps, enabling precise configuration to meet specific document requirements.

In Circularo, the signing process is streamlined through three primary modes:

  1. Sign Now: For documents requiring only your signature.

  1. We Sign: For documents that you and others need to sign collaboratively.

  1. They Sign: For documents that others need to sign without your signature.

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