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Multiple fields vs multipage fields

When you need to place a field onto a document several times, there are two ways of doing so - manually placing the fields on each of the pages where you want them, or selecting multipage in the settings of the field. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages.

Multiple fields will need to be filled manually one after the other during the signing process. This is especially useful for signature fields, as it ensures the signatory will be taken to every page they place a signature to. The fields are also placed individually on the document, allowing for adjustment of placement on a page.

Multipage fields are all filled at the same time as the first of them. This saves time from having to input the same information over and over, but it also means the signatory will not be taken to all the places in the document containing that field. The signatory can of course go through the document manually and check all the places, but with long documents that can get difficult. The fields are also all in the same position on each page and adjusting the position of one of the fields means adjusting the position of all of them in the document.

The process of placing fields is described in detail in the eSigning chapter.

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