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CSV Export

Availability: Business and Enterprise

The Export CSV functionality allows users to export document metadata. When used, it will export all documents from the currently selected folder. If a document does not have a specific metadata column available, the column will be left blank in the export.

  • Go to the folder you need to export

  • Click on Export CSV

  • Save CSV file to your PC

Export document table.png

Export document table

Open CSV

For opening the CSV file, we recommend to use MS Office (Excel), or Libre Office (Spreadsheet). In case you can’t open the file:

MS Office:

  • Open Excel

  • Choose Data tab and click From text/CSV

Upload from CVS file.png

New Excel sheet

  • Select the CSV export file from your PC

  • Click on the Load button

From CVS file.png

From CVS file/ from text

After transforming the data, Excel shows the metadata from Circularo. There is an automatic option for filtering or sorting documents.

Uploaded data.png

Uploaded data

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