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Audit logs

As an admin, here you can access a detailed overview of all actions and changes in the application throughout your organization.

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Organization audit logs

Logs can be filtered by many different parameters - in total, there are 60 different filters you can apply based on the type of information you are looking for, and several filters can be applied at once to further specify your request.

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Audit log filters

You can also export the audit logs from the application - in the top right corner is a export button. Up to 10 thousand latest audit logs will be exported. Or, you can export a filtered view of specific logs, also up to 10 thousand records. The logs are exported in a .csv file.

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Export audit logs

The columns with information about audit logs can be adjusted, you can choose which columns are visible and adjust their width. A more detailed description of columns and how to work with them can be found in our Status Overview.

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Adjustable columns

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