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Are your electronic signatures secure?

Absolutely. Circularo is 27001 and EIDAS certified and we rely on holistic end-to-end encryption, where data is protected by default wherever it goes over its entire lifecycle. Sensitive data is encrypted the moment it is captured. We use hardware security modules (HSMs) with an appropriate security rating to protect access to all the PKI keys.

Here are the key factors that contribute to the security of electronic signatures:

Encryption: We use strong encryption to protect the document and signature from tampering. This means the data is encoded in such a way that only authorized parties can access it.

Authentication: We rely on strong authentication methods to verify the identity of the signatories. This includes email verification, SMS OTP, UAE Pass or BankID verification and MFA authentication including biometric methods like fingerprint or facial recognition.

Audit Trails: Audit trail logs record every action taken on the document, including who viewed or signed it, along with timestamps. This provides a clear history of the document's lifecycle, enhancing its security and integrity.

Compliance with Standards: Circularo complies with relevant laws and standards, such as the eIDAS in the EU, ESIGN and UETA Acts in the US, and is certified by TDRA in the UAE.

Tamper-Evident Technology: If a signed document is altered in any way post-signature, tamper-evident technology ensures that these changes are detectable. This maintains the integrity of the document.

Digital Certificates and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): PKI is used to securely exchange data through a cryptographic system. Digital certificates validate the authenticity of the parties involved in the transaction.

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