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Add-On: SMS 2FA / OTP

Use two-factor authentication (2FA) and one-time passwords (OTP) through SMS notifications in order to authenticate Circularo users or to verify the identity of external recipients. 2FA/OTP codes are sent from Circularo via SMS to a person for viewing and signing a document in order to verify the identity of the external party.

This add-on as described here is for cloud solutions. For on-premise solutions a working Twilio service is required.


  • Activated 2FA SMS OTP functionality with purchased number of messages (100, 500 or 1000) for authentication or verification requests (Note: Extra SMS Credits can be purchased at any time based on your actual consumption.)

Not included

  • Change of application name - Sender name

Required from your side

  • Cloud solutions have no special prerequisites

Example of an SMS verification code

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