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Add-On: SAML 2.0 SSO

About SAML

Security Assertion Markup Language is an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorisation information between a service provider (SP - A service provider is a website that hosts apps) and an identity provider (IdP - An identity provider is a trusted provider that enables a customer to use single sign-on to access other websites). SAML is used to implement Single Sign-on (SSO) functionality within the client’s premises.

Circularo is acting as a service provider, which integrates with the customer’s identity provider (IdP). When the user attempts to log into Circularo, they are automatically transferred to the IdP, where they can enter their credentials. Once logged in, the IdP sends the user information to Circularo, where the user is then logged into the service.

The authentication process is handled by the IdP, so the user credentials never reach Circularo, making this a very secure process.


  • User authentication via client’s AD using the SAML 2.0 protocol (login and logout)

  • Assistance with the configuration of the Circularo application in client’s AD.

    • Please note: SAML is very complex protocol with many features. For information on whether the feature is supported or if implementation is possible, please contact our support.

Not included

  • Pre-synchronization of users

  • Import and regular updating of custom user data (basic user data only and only upon the first registration)

Required from your side

  • Registration of the Circularo application in client’s AD

  • The federation metadata XML file

  • Client’s AD must support the SAML 2.0 protocol

  • On-premise solutions need to have purchased and configured ‘Custom Domain’ add-on

  • Cloud solutions do not require the Custom Domain add-on, but their final domain needs to be ready before the SAML 2.0 add-on is set up

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